British Virgin Islands (BVI)

Thursday October 11th, 2018 CA Advocates

Statutory Requirements for a BVI Business Company (BC)
1. Shareholders:
•   Minimum one.
•   Individual or Corporation.
•   No residency requirement.
2. Directors:
•   Minimum one.
•   Individual or Corporation.
•   No residency requirement.
3. Company Secretary:
•   Optional.
4. Registered Office:
•   Must be maintained in the BVI.
•   Statutory books of the company must be kept.
5. Auditors:
•   Optional.
6. Share Certificates:
•   Registered shares.
•   Bearer shares permitted but must be customized by a permitted custodian.
7. Share Capital:
•   No minimum capital requirement.
•   Can be denominated in any currency.
8. Time to Incorporate:
•   When the name is available, a company can be incorporated in 5 working days.


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