Seychelles International Business Company

Thursday October 11th, 2018 CA Advocates
The International Business Company is the most widely used vehicle for offshore operations in the Seychelles; it normally takes the form of a private company limited by shares. The governing legislation is the International Business Companies Act 1994. Statutory requirements are minimal, and flexible:

• Only one director and one shareholder are required;

• A registered agent and a registered office in Seychelles is required;

• Shareholders, directors and officers need not be resident in the Seychelles and there is no stipulation as to their nationality;

• There is no minimum capital requirement; shares may be either registered or bearer and may be issued in any currency;

• Accounts need not be kept; however, if they are kept there is no requirement for an audit.

• No returns are needed of shareholders, directors or officers;

• Shareholders and directors meetings need not be held in the Seychelles and can be held by telephone;

• The Memorandum and Articles of Association are the only documents to be held on the public record;

• An IBC may issue bearer shares and shares of no par value; but bearer shares must be held in the custody of a local registered agent. IBC status is granted subject to certain conditions:

• No business may be transacted with residents of the Seychelles;

• No ownership interest in real property in the Seychelles is permitted; property may be leased for office use only;  Banking or trust business may be carried on only if an appropriate license is issued;

• Likewise, a license is required to carry on insurance or re-insurance business;

• Engaging in the business of company management or providing registered facilities for Seychelles-incorporated companies is not permitted. IBCs are permitted various activities within the Seychelles without compromising their offshore status under the Act; these include:

• professional contacts with lawyers, accountants etc;

• preparation and maintenance of books and records;

• the holding of directors’ or shareholders’ meetings;

• ownership of shares in other Seychelles companies, whether under the Act or the Companies Act 1972;

• ownership of Government or Central Bank securities;

• ownership of a vessel registered in Seychelles.


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